Looking for a partner For $185M BOA Wire Deal
**I have a Bank of America dormant account with $185M USD inside.
I need a receiver who is willing to to partner with me on this job
Receiver will be responsible for buying the `software that will be used to push this job.
Summer Track version 3.0 and Ruegertron are the softwares needed for this job. Both costs $70k but the amount required to complete the amount I have deposited already for the softwares is $35k.
So, the receiver will invest $35k
There is no middleman, so sharing ratio will be 60:40
60% to receiver , 40% to sender.
please if you are available for this offer let me know.
Note that `i am not a middleman broker.
I am the sender for this job. If you impress by being honest in this job, I can partner with your team for other deals. `
it will be a long term business relationship .
Just incase you want to see past jobs, `i can show you.I have past slips, videos and screenshots of some jobs I have done with receivers in the past
WhatsApp : +46 70 194 10 52**